About ScaleUp
Learn more about our company history and the ScaleUp team
Today ScaleUp is hosting partner of Over 2,000 websites and apps and serves more than 500 customer projects - from the initial idea to the operations management of complex, distributed business hosting solutions. Since 2022, ScaleUp operates a particularly sustainable own open source cloud infrastructure based on OpenStack and refurbished open compute hardware to enable scalable cloud and hybrid cloud setups.
ScaleUp's first OpenStack-based cloud goes live as simple object storage in Hamburg.
In the fall of 2017, the Open Cloud offering was expanded to include the Berlin location.
internet4YOU expands strongly by taking over customers of the company EPN in Berlin and opens a new data center and office location in Berlin.
It is the year 1998. Two best friends and their shared enthusiasm for computing and the Internet give them the initial idea for a hosting business. With Gihan's father as investor and CFO, they set up their first data center in the basement of Behrmänn's parents' house and brought their first customers' websites online. Thus ScaleUp Technologies was founded under the brand internet4YOU founded more than 20 years ago.
Germany as a secure data location, our specialization in innovative open source technologies and individual hosting solutions in close exchange with customers form the foundation for the ScaleUp Technologies success story.

Our team
For 25 years, we have been helping customers make their IT infrastructure fit for the future. Today, we still enjoy helping companies make the leap to sustainable digitization.
Our history
Important milestones in the development of the company
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ScaleUp - Image film
People are different from computers. They love pictures and stories. That's why we've summarized everything you need to know about ScaleUp in a short image video. Enjoy watching it!