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We offer server housing, colocation and suitable managed services at a total of 7 locations in Germany.
You can buy particularly energy-efficient Open Compute hardware from us as a ready-made computing, storage and network solution (private cloud) or rent it as dedicated bare metal at a reasonable price.
IaaS, Private Cloud: We are one of the largest open cloud providers in Germany with 3 clouds based on OpenStack & Kubernetes.
Sustainable, virtual environments and microservices are our passion. We offer migrations and consulting from a single source.
As Managed hosting provider we develop highly available Cloud & Business Hosting Solutions for our customers and support them in the implementation of their digitization strategy. ScaleUp itself and also ScaleUp data centers are certified according to ISO 27001 standard. The data centers we rent are among the largest and most modern in Europe. In addition, all seven data center locations are networked with each other and enable, if necessary, a site-distributed server operation.
At our seven data center locations, we operate and lease colocation space and suites, dedicated hardware and virtual managed server infrastructures. Unique to ScaleUp is our focus on open source technologies, personalized customer support and sustainability. ScaleUp has been continuously reducing its carbon footprint since 2020 and is currently preparing a carbon footprint for the first time.
Honestly, we don't know for sure. But we are working on it. Every day. You can find out exactly how in the section Sustainability. For a first impression of who we are and what we do, please watch our 1.5 minute image film.
Companies need highly available and flexible business hosting & cloud solutions. Our customers are primarily system houses and companies in the German SME sector. Like an extension of your own IT department, we advise and support System administrators and Dev-Ops teams in the implementation of their digitization strategy.
We are one of a few German business hosting providers that focus on sustainability and open source technologies, especially open cloud technologies. In addition, our 7 data center and 3 business cloud locations enable secure, local, distributed or even hybrid operation of your IT infrastructure.
Convince yourself of our uncomplicated and competent service, because for 25 years we have been successfully and, above all, personally supporting our customers in their business-critical IT infrastructure projects - by now there are well over 500 projects. The high level of customer satisfaction is reflected in the low customer turnover and in our regularly conducted Customer surveys .
From May 14 to 15, the Villa Elisabeth in Berlin was the venue for the joint...
ScaleUp Technologies supports the Sovereign Cloud Stack (SCS) for open and sustainable cloud standards
On September 29, ScaleUp celebrated its 25th anniversary with many colleagues, friends, customers and suppliers....
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