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German OpenStack Days 2016

The German OpenStack Days (DOST) 2016 will take place this year from June 21 to 22, 2016 at the Dorint Hotel an der Messe Köln. The German OpenStack Days are aimed at developers, administrators and decision-makers who want to learn about the latest developments and practical solutions around the open source cloud computing software OpenStack.

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The focus of the conference is on the enterprise use of OpenStack. In presentations and practical workshops, participants can acquire fundamental knowledge and best practice tips from renowned developers and representatives of large companies and, of course, exchange information with each other.

ScaleUp Technologies is Speaker of the German OpenStack Days 2016

ScaleUp Technologies is speaker at the DOST 2016 on the subject "Learnings of a service provider building an OpenStack cloud from scratch" talk. We would also like to share our experiences and solution approaches for the best possible use of OpenStack from the perspective of a cloud service provider with other users of the cloud technology. The focus of the talk will be:

  • Important questions and influencing factors when implementing a customized OpenStack Cloud solution
  • Ways to ensure scalability of own cloud with simultaneous cost focus
  • Strategies for a redundant setup of the cloud and sufficient testing
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Are you also participating in the German OpenStack Days 2016? We would be happy to meet you there in person.

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