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The sustainability potential of HTMX

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In modern web development, JavaScript frameworks play a central role in designing interactive user interfaces. However, these frameworks also bring challenges such as code overhead, longer loading times and higher energy consumption. A new approach that is currently attracting a lot of attention is HTMX. Unlike conventional frameworks, HTMX relies primarily on HTML and largely dispenses with JavaScript, which can lead to simpler, more efficient and more sustainable web development.

What is HTMX?

HTMX is a lightweight JS framework that enables developers to create dynamic and interactive web applications directly with HTML without having to resort to complex JavaScript frameworks. HTMX was developed by Carson Gross and is based on ideas that emerged from his previous project HyperScript. HTMX extends HTML with the ability to make efficient use of modern features such as AJAX, WebSockets and CSS transitions. This simplifies development and improves performance. HTMX stands for a minimalist approach that focuses on simplicity, efficiency and optimized communication between client and server. As browsers can process HTML particularly efficiently, HTMX significantly optimizes the exchange of data between client and server, which can have a significant impact on the sustainability of business software. Five potential advantages of HTMX in terms of sustainability and efficiency in software development are discussed in more detail below.

1. data-driven low-code development

With HTMX, developers can once again focus on the data and core functions of an application and avoid unnecessary, resource-intensive functions. The low-code approach and data-driven development simplify the development process and save time and resources. Another advantage: data is processed and made available directly on the server side without having to create a copy of the DOM. This speeds up development and reduces complexity. Less complex applications require less computing power, which reduces energy consumption both in development and on users' end devices.

2. rapid adaptation and increase in productivity

Another big advantage of HTMX is the flat learning curve. Mixed teams of developers, whether junior or senior, and regardless of their preferred software stack, can quickly get to grips with the stack-independent technology (it's only HTML) and start working productively. This not only speeds up the development process, but also allows the software to be rolled out more quickly within the company. Faster programming also means that fewer development resources are required, resulting in more efficient use of existing energy resources.

3. less data transfer

Another advantage in terms of sustainability is the reduction in the amount of data sent over the network. With conventional web applications, large amounts of data often have to be exchanged between client and server, which significantly increases energy consumption. With HTMX, only the data that is actually required is sent, which reduces the network load and lowers energy consumption. Especially in times when data centers and network infrastructures are consuming more and more energy, this is an important contribution to the optimized use of available resources.

4. influence on the energy consumption of the servers

As HTMX applications shift some of the logic to the server, power consumption on the server side increases. This may appear to be a disadvantage at first glance, but it opens up the possibility of controlling the ecological footprint of the software - for example by choosing sustainable energy sources and optimizing server utilization. Less data is transported via fewer detours and fewer "dirty" networks. As the server plays a greater role in HTMX applications, there is a real opportunity to optimize sustainability.

5. wide range of applications without framework restrictions

Another lasting advantage of HTMX is its universal applicability. HTMX is not tied to specific server programming languages or frameworks and can be integrated into almost any existing infrastructure, provided the server can output HTML. This enables companies to integrate HTMX into their current systems without having to completely restructure the technology. As a result, existing resources can continue to be used, minimizing the need for new investments and the associated consumption of resources.


HTMX offers enormous sustainability potential for the development of business software. By focusing on efficient data transfers, the low-code approach and the simple learning curve, companies can not only optimize their development processes, but also reduce their energy consumption. At the same time, HTMX offers the opportunity to make server infrastructures more sustainable and use existing resources more efficiently. For companies that value sustainability, HTMX is a promising technology that not only increases productivity but also protects the environment.

More on the topic of HTMX? Here you can find some podcast recommendations and examples:

Syntax Podcast 726: Is Htmx a joke?

Syntax Podcast 734: Htmx web apps with Carson Gross

HTMX UI examples (EN)

HTMX Documentation (EN) 


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